

Osatsu-kamado Ama Hut Experience


在伊勢志摩地區,約有1,000名專業的女性貝類潛水員,他們被稱為“海女”。她們是伊勢志摩生機蓬勃的職業女性,並且還留有一句諺語, “一位成熟的海女有膽量養活自己的丈夫”。遵循著傳統,她們會在不攜帶氧氣瓶等現代潛水設備的狀況下潛入大海,捕捉貝類和收穫海藻。



相差竈 前之濱(前之浜)


相差竈 “Ozegosan”




地圖代碼 338 499 193
坐標 E 34.388261 N 136.909050



Toba bus center(地圖) ~Osatsu(地圖
It rides on (5).国崎(KUZAKI) going.
A bus is required for 45 minutes.  It is one person of @600 yen.

Toba bus information

Location in Ama related
in Osatsu area

Shinmei-Shrine “Ishigamisan”

 Ama divers are motivated to engage in such hard and dangerous work because of their profound faith in “Ishigamisan”, the goddess enshrined at the approach to Shinmei-jinja, a Shinto shrine located in Osatsu, Toba City.This goddess is famous for her mystical power to realize just one dream of each woman and therefore visited by a great number of people. Long ago, it used to be believed that there was a monster in the sea.Ama divers drew a symbol called “Doman-seman” on their tools as a charm against evil.At the office of this shrine, visitors can buy talismans with that symbol printed on them.

Osatsu Ama House Gozaya
(Remodeled from an old private residence)

■Admission Free
■Inquiry (Phone)


 This facility, which was remodeled from an 80-year-old private residence, is located at the approach to Shinmei-jinja, a Shinto shrine. Seafood caught by ama divers, “Doman-seman”-related items as charms against evil and the like are available for sale. Besides, you can take a break at the cafe inside it. Agar-agar made by ama divers only from the agar weeds caught in the sea of Osatsu enjoys great popularity.

Osatsu Kitchen 0032

■Opening hour 9:00~17:00
■Holiday Wednesday
■Inquiry (Phone)


 To preserve and support Osatsu’s unique way of life for the local [Ama], fishermen and for future generations to come. Osatsu Kitchen 0032 was created to preserve and support Osatsu's unique way of life for the local ama and fishermen and for future generations to come. Fresh ZAKO fried fish and a variety of local drinks are waiting for you at Osatsu Kitchen.

Osatsu Ama Culture Museum

■Admission Free
■Inquiry (Phone)


 This museum, located in Osatsu where the largest number of Ama divers live in the Ise-Shima area, conveys the culture and history of the divers as well as their hometown. Besides, it is a popular spot among those who enjoy a stroll and communication with people in Osatsu.

Toba Walking Map
- Osatsu Area -